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Our Convenant Churches


Gideon Covenant Churches We Believe...

In the verbal and plenary inspiration of the original manuscripts of the Old and the New Testaments which constitute the inerrant Word of GOD; and that our English Bible is a trustworthy and sufficient rule of faith able to make one wise unto salvation. In the Holy Trinity of the Godhead; one GOD eternally existing in three equal persons of the same essence but distinct in subsistence, namely, GOD the Father, GOD the Son and GOD the Holy Spirit. In the Deity, Virgin Birth, Sinless Life, Substitutionary Death, Bodily Resurrection and Imminent of Christ. In the Personality of the Holy Spirit by whom believers are called, regenerated, baptized, indwelt, sealed and filled for Christian service and that the Holy Spirit gives Spiritual Gifts as He wills for the work of the ministry and the edifying of the Body of Christ. In the direct creation of the universe and man by GOD, apart from any process of evolution. In the fall, total depravity and guilt of the human race in Adam, which for man’s salvation necessities the sovereign divinely, initiated deliverance of the sinner by the Grace of GOD in Christ. In the eternal salvation of all who put their faith in Jesus Christ the Lord as Savior whose blood was shed for the remission of sin. In the unity of all true believers of the Church which is the universal Body of Christ. In the local church, as a company of regenerated baptized believers independent and self-governing, whose responsibility is to glorify GOD, observe the ordinances, evangelize to the world and edify each other; with its officers being Pastors and Deacons. In the personal existence of angels, demons and Satan. In the Bodily Resurrection, Immortality and Rapture of all believers at Christ’s Imminent Coming. In the Sovereign Selection of Israel as God’s eternal covenant people; that she is now dispersed as a people because of her rejection of the Messiah and that she will be regathered in the land of promise and saved as a nation at the second advent of Christ. In the bodily resurrection and everlasting damnation and torment of all unbelievers at the Great Throne Judgement at the end of time. In bodily resurrection and eternally blessedness, bliss and joy of all those who are in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The Late Apostle Dr. Melvin B. Tuggle II,Founder

Garden of Prayer Christian Church Headquarters
Rev. Brenda M. Tuggle, Overseer

Garden of Prayer Christian Church, Indiana
Pastor Charese Williams

Garden of Prayer Christian Church, North
Pastor Cynthia Jackson

Lilly of the Valley Ministries
Pastor Gwendolyn Crawford

Pillar of Truth Christian Community Church
Pastor Daphiney Clark-Williams

Family Bible Ministires
Bishop Cassandra Montgomery

Salt Nation Church & Ministries
Bishop Kenyan Southers

New Greater Gethsemane Christian Church
Pastor Herman Simms Jr.

Garden of Prayer Christian Church ,Texas
Pastor Nathan Exom

Garden of Prayer Christian Church, Stadium Place - Greenhouse
Pastor Darlene Tiller

Garden of Prayer Christian Church ,Arizona
Pastor Tyrone Brown